How to Deal with Low Motivation

How to Deal with Low Motivation

How to Deal with Low Motivation and Why Does Demotivation Happen? Low motivation can be a frustrating and challenging experience, making it difficult to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. Whether it’s related to low motivation at work or personal life, low motivation can cause a lack of energy and enthusiasm, leading to procrastination and demotivation.  … Read more

How to Boost Self Motivation Level – 5 Steps

सेल्फ मोटीवेशन स्तर को कैसे बढ़ायें

How to Boost Self-Motivation Level Self motivation, self-driven, enthusiasm, desire, passion, or determination all are Self-motivation synonyms. When we talk about self-motivation, the first question that comes to mind is what is motivation and how to improve the level of self-motivation. In simple words, it can be understood that motivation is the power that a person … Read more

Living in the Digital World-Benefits and Challenges

Living in the Digital World-Benefits and Challenges

Living in the Digital World Navigating the benefits and challenges of technology in digital life has become a big reality in today’s time. People now use all digital devices in their daily lives. Digital life is a life in which people make their life easier by using digital devices like mobiles, tablets, laptops, computers, etc.  … Read more

How to Stay Motivated in Difficult Times

How to Stay Motivated in Difficult Times

Quick Motivation Techniques: How to Stay Motivated and How Is it Important for Self-Care This is most challenging than how to stay motivated in difficult times and it’s extremely good for self-care but there are several strategies that you can use to help you stay motivated: 1. Set Specific Goals: When you have clear goals … Read more

गंगा आरती – त्रिवेणी घाट ऋषिकेश (Ganga Aarti – Triveni Ghat Rishikesh)

गंगा आरती – त्रिवेणी घाट ऋषिकेश (Ganga Aarti)

ऋषिकेश का संक्षिप्त परिचय गंगा आरती त्रिवेणी घाट ऋषिकेश पर आयोजित की जाने वाली महाआरती है। इस विषय में अधिक जानकारी से पहले आइए जानते है ऋषिकेश का संक्षिप्त परिचय। वर्तमान में ऋषिकेश, जिला देहरादून, उत्तराखंड में स्थित है। हालांकि शहर इतना अधिक विस्तृत हो गया है कि इसका कुछ भाग टिहरी में और कुछ … Read more